Sep 09, 2024  
2017 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin 
2017 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Student Success/Career Services:

The Office of Student Success exists to support students as they work to fulfill their individual, academic and professional potential by providing developmentally appropriate resources. Through collaboration with faculty, staff and alumni, we work to create a supportive and challenging environment where students can develop the confidence, competence and responsibility to achieve their goals.

Career Services operates within the Office of Student Success and helps students understand the essential skills needed to successfully navigate the job market and to progress in their chosen profession through;

  • Encouraging investigation of potential academic programs as they relate to specific fields.
  • Providing tools for examination of career related interests and individual strengths and values.
  • Hosting workshops related to career readiness, such as resume preparation, interview skills and exploring career and call.
  • Providing events to build skills necessary for success in the work force.
  • Assisting students one-on-one with resume review, mock interviews and career counseling.
  • Linking students to employers.

Career Services also supports alumni through resume review services and providing access to job postings. The Career Center Staff operates under the NACE Guidelines for Professional Standards.

Counseling Services:

Counseling Services provides confidential counseling free of charge to assist undergraduate students with personal, developmental, or psychological concerns related to their academic progress and/or personal growth. Counseling is short-term, solution-focused with limited sessions. For chronic mental health issues or those that may require more extensive counseling, Counseling Services provides consultation and referral to community resources.

Services are available Monday through Friday by appointment. For more information about Counseling Services or to make an appointment, please call Counseling Services’ staff at 910-814-5709/5708.

Location & Hours: Counseling Services is located in the Avrette House on Pope Street (behind Moe’s and the Wallace Student Center). The hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Friday. Our office closes for lunch, typically from 12:00 - 1:15 p.m.

Undergraduate students (who are enrolled currently for full-time hours) are eligible for services. Graduate and professional students are not eligible for services in our office, but are served by Dr. Dan Marlowe, Director of Behavioral Health for the School of Osteopathic Medicine.

Graduate and professional students interested in scheduling an appointment with Dr. Marlowe should contact him directly via email at

The CU Tutoring Center:

The tutoring center is located on the third floor of Wiggins Library. Work one-on-one or in small groups with a tutor for assistance with many courses. See the link at the left for course offerings. Tutors for all courses offered will be available during all Tutoring Center hours, which are Sunday-Thursday from 7-10 p.m. Appointments are available but not required. Bring your books, notes, syllabus and any applicable supplementary materials. The Tutoring Center is open during fall and spring semesters only.

Peer Tutoring:

If the course you need assistance with is not offered in the CU Tutoring Center or your schedule won’t allow you to use the center, you may request a tutor. Peer tutors are available during fall and spring semesters and on a limited basis during summer sessions.

CU Writing Center:

Need help with your paper? Bring any paper for any course to the third floor of Wiggins Library Sunday-Thursday from 7-10 p.m. A trained writing coach will review your work and offer suggestions and assistance to improve your paper. The Writing Center is open during fall and spring semesters only.

Academic Coaching:

Do you know that you need additional academic support, but are not sure where to begin? Our individual academic coaching can give you the insight you need to affirm and improve your academic strengths and weaknesses. Review study, note-taking, or test-taking skills. Learn how to manage test anxiety. Receive general tips as well as help with subject-specific study skills. You can request an academic coach by visiting the Campbell website.

Group Review and Supplemental Instruction Sessions:

No registration needed. Just simply attend the session that is offered for your course. Group Review sessions last between one and two hours beginning with a review of materials covered in class presented by the group leader. The remaining time is available for group work on homework assignments and individual assistance from the leader. Supplemental Instruction consists of group study sessions led by an upper-class facilitator. Times and locations will be announced in class.

Computing Services:

The Campbell University Computing Services department is comprised of five distinct groups working together to provide students, faculty, and staff the necessary support for computer related technologies.

The Administrative Computing Team is responsible for supporting, maintaining, upgrading, and training users on the mission critical applications and databases which serve the university’s academic and administrative computing needs.

The Computing Services Help Desk is charged with assisting students, faculty, and staff with hardware and software issues and generally should be the first place one calls with computer related issues.

The overall goal of the Academic Computing Team is to support university teaching and learning through the provision of instructional and information technologies and related services. Academic Computing provides support for current initiatives and articulates new directions in learning practices, particularly those which enrich the campus through the integration of technology into its core programs. An additional goal is to assist Campbell University faculty in the integration of technology into innovative course curricula. Traditional, hybrid (blended), and online courses are served in all areas of study.

The Information Systems Team is responsible for maintaining the faculty/staff/classroom and dorm wired and wireless networks and network-attached server systems on all campuses. Information Systems works closely with the technology procurement assistant and the helpdesk staff to help meet your computing needs.

The Computing Services Technology Procurement Assistant is responsible for ordering all computer and peripheral equipment as well as coordinating the purchase of many software applications.

Students Health Services:

The Student Health Center provides care for the Campbell University student body. Students should call for an appointment at the following number, (910) 893-1560 or extension 1560, unless it is an emergency.

Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 12 noon and 1:00pm – 4:30pm (Closed for Lunch 12:00 – 1:00pm)


Wiggins Memorial Library serves as the main library of the University. Centrally located on the Academic Circle, Wiggins Memorial Library offers over 59,000 square feet of space featuring quiet individual and collaborative group study areas, 10 group study rooms, a conference room, and a 24-hour study area. In addition, it houses the university’s Curriculum Materials/Media Center, the Writing and Tutoring Centers, as well as the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences’ Drug Information Center. The library is a technology-equipped space with over 60 PC and Macintosh public workstations, a state-of-the-art computer lab, and an Idea Lab/Makerspace equipped with a 3-D scanner, 3-D printers, poster printers, and hardware and software for audio and video editing, as well as digital illustration.

Library Resources:


The library collection contains over 205,000 print volumes. Most books are shelved on floors 2 through 4 of Kivett Hall and in Wiggins Basement. The Reference Collection is shelved in the Reference Services section on the first floor of Wiggins. This collection includes resources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, almanacs, directories, bibliographies, and indexes to periodicals and newspapers. The Theological Reference Collection is shelved on the 3rd floor of Kivett. The Curriculum Materials/Media Center holds a juvenile print collection, manipulatives collection, and a reference collection all of which support the curriculum needs of the School of Education. Rare books are located in the Library Archives in the Carrie Rich Building. Requests for use of archive materials may be made to the library staff at any time.

Computer terminals are located throughout the library for searching library materials in the CamelCat, the online library catalog. Call number ranges and their respective shelving locations are shown in the table below:

Call Number Range Location
A – BS Kivett 2nd Floor
BT – DE Kivett 3rd Floor
DF – GV Kivett 4th Floor
H – Z Wiggins Basement

Books may be used in the library or checked out at the Circulation Desk. Reference books and periodicals cannot be taken out of the library.


More than 396,000 electronic books, audio books, and streaming media are indexed in the online catalog and can be accessed through the CamelCat. These materials may be searched by keyword, author, or title.

Periodicals, Newspapers and Indexes:

The library subscribes to over 240 print periodicals and over 119,000 electronic journals. Print periodicals and newspapers are shelved alphabetically by title in the Periodicals Reading Room on the first floor of the library. The Journals link on the library homepage ( includes all current subscriptions to journals, magazines, newspapers, annual issues, indexes, back files of former subscriptions, and full-text journals available through Campbell University electronic subscriptions.

Government Documents:

Wiggins Memorial Library of Campbell University is a selective depository for United States Government Documents. The Government Documents Collection is located in the library basement.

Microforms Collections:

The library maintains a collection of resources in microform consisting primarily of microfilm and microfiche. These materials include back issues of academic journals and newspapers. They are in cabinets in the Microforms area located in Wiggins Basement. Journals are arranged alphabetically by title. Newspapers maintained on microfilm include the New York Times, the News and Observer, and the Dunn Daily Record.

Computers, Laptops, and Printers:

Wiggins Memorial Library provides computers with internet access, MS Office, select course-related software, and printers in the Learning Commons on the first floor and in the Computer Lab on the third floor. Laptop computers are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk. They may be checked out for 4-hour periods with one renewal. Laptops checked out overnight will be due within 2 hours of the library opening the next day.

The library offers the following means of printing: photocopies, library desktop printing, and wireless printing. Printing may be charged to Student Creek Buck Accounts at a nominal charge. Detailed instructions for wireless printing are available at the Circulation Desk. Wireless network access is available throughout the building.

Technology Items:

In addition to laptop computers, a number of other technology items are available to be checked out from the Circulation Desk or the Curriculum Materials/Media Center on the third floor of the library. These items include iPads, scientific calculators, computer headphones, computer mouse, Nook e-readers, GPS units, digital cameras, flip video cameras, etc. To find out the location of these items, their loan periods, and availability, visit

Personal Study Nooks:

Wiggins Memorial Library offers a variety of student study areas including silent spaces, twenty-four hour areas, quiet areas, project tables, couches, desks, and carrels.

Group Study Rooms:

Ten group study rooms are available on the second floor and in the basement of Wiggins Library. These rooms are intended for course-related study for groups of two or more students on a first come, first served basis. Individuals may be asked to yield study rooms to groups at any time. Each group study room is equipped with an HD monitor or a SMART Board as well as a dry erase board. Cables, markers, and erasers are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk.

Certain designated study rooms may be reserved in advance by Campbell University students. Study room users without reservations must vacate the room when requested by a group with proof of valid reservation.

Library Services:

Reference Services/Research Assistance

Reference Services is located on the first floor of the library. Reference librarians are available to help you locate information, direct you to reference materials, and assist you in learning the organization of the library. Reference librarians will help you search for information as well as develop search strategies for course reports, papers, and term projects.

You may schedule an appointment with a reference librarian for more in depth help with your research. Appointments may be scheduled by emailing or through the library’s Research Consultation Form (

You may submit reference questions by clicking the “Ask” button on most library web pages. You may also chat with a reference librarian online when one is available by Instant Messaging the Research Assistance Desk (IM screen name: WigginsMemLib) or send in your question via email to Furthermore, you may contact the Research Assistance Desk at (910) 893-1467.

In addition to providing assistance in person, librarians also prepare online tutorials and research guides to be accessed at the point of need. These tools are available on the library website at

Interlibrary Loan (ILL):

Resources not owned by the library may be borrowed from other libraries via interlibrary loan ILL). Request forms for ILL are available at the Research Assistance Desk and on the library’s website (­loan).


Reserve books and other materials have been placed on a limited loan basis at the request of an instructor. These materials may be checked out for two hours, one day, three days or one week, depending on the loan period requested by the instructor. Electronic reserves are also available via the library website and are password protected. The instructor of the class provides the user name and password.

University Bookstore:

The Campbell University Bookstore, operated by Barnes & Noble College is located in Britt Hall and offers all course related materials including textbook rentals, new and used textbooks, and digital textbooks. They also carry a variety of school supplies, laptops, printers, medical supplies, reference materials, and small food items. In addition, the Campbell Bookstore offers the largest selection of Campbell apparel and gifts. The bookstore website has up to date pricing and textbook options and students are encouraged to use the pre-order their textbooks for the up semester. The bookstore accepts cash, check, credit, debit, Barnes & Noble gift cards and Creek Bucks. Contact the Campbell bookstore at 910-893-1450 or at for more information.

Creek Bucks:

Creek Bucks are created when funds are deposited on the students Camel Card.  Creek Bucks are redeemable at the Campbell University bookstore, vending, and all on campus dining, as well as, approved off campus locations.  Balances carry forward each semester.  Deposit Creek Bucks by visiting: 

Book Bucks

Each semester, students may transfer excess financial aid to their Camel Card for use in the University bookstore for books and supplies.  The transfer may not exceed book costs used by the Financial Aid Office in determining cost of attendance.  For more information, please visit: .