Sep 13, 2024  
2023 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

VI. Complete a minimum of 12 upper-level semester hours in the departmental major at Campbell.

Normally, each student chooses a major field when nearing completion of the core curriculum requirements, usually not later than the second semester of the sophomore year. Each Campbell University student is responsible for ensuring that the choice of major is properly and currently recorded with his/her adviser and in the Registrar’s Office and the student information system.

Please Note: The Registrar’s Office is the office of record with respect to student academic information during residence and at the time of graduation. If the information on record in that office is not correct, then permanent student records as well as Federal, State, Financial Aid, and VA reports can be in error, perhaps causing the student academic and/or financial hardship.

Double Majors

It is sometimes possible to complete the requirements for two majors while in residence. Qualification in two (or more) majors in the same degree does not entitle a candidate to two degrees.

Depending upon the requirements, this process may necessitate an additional semester or two in residence.

Forms for declaring multiple majors are available online on the Registrar’s Office Important Forms page. Students who desire qualification in two major fields must obtain the written approval of both of the appropriate department chairpersons and have the approvals on file in the Registrar’s Office. Since requirements for the major vary by department, the student must select one department’s requirements as primary. In the event of misunderstandings or conflicts with respect to requirements with one of the majors, the problem must be resolved by the department chairperson of the department where the problem resides.

In the case of duplicate requirements, the student may be released from the course requirement by the department chair of the secondary major, but the student must still have 124 hours for graduation. Students must have a 3.0 average before starting a double-major program.

Please Note: Students receiving veterans benefits must document with the Veterans Affairs Office, the Office of the Registrar and the appropriate department chairs their intent to pursue the double major or a major with a minor. A written course requirement sheet, agreed to by respective department chairs, must be provided to the Veterans Affairs Office and student with the clear understanding that an additional semester may be required to complete all  requirements. The course requirement sheet will be developed on a case-by-case basis, tailored individually, and agreed to by the appropriate department chairs. Successful completion of all degree requirements will result in award of a single diploma.


Students may also elect to earn one or more minor fields. The hour requirements for minors are normally fewer than those of a major field. Minimum requirements for a minor are 18 semester hours, including at least five courses. Variations will be determined by the appropriate department. The student must submit the proper paperwork to the Registrar’s Office to officially have the minor requirements added or dropped to their file. If the student has completed all the requiremens for a minor at the time of applying for graduation, the student must designate this in the correct fields on the application to be awarded. There is no grade point average requirement to meet  before commencing work on a minor; however, no credit will be given for a minor unless the student has a “C” average (2.000) when all courses counting toward the minor requirement are included.