2020 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Health Science, B.H.S. (CIP 51.9999)
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Students must meet the criteria of either (A), or (B):
- Student must possess one of the following earned degrees: Associate of Science in Health Science , OR Associate in Health Science, OR Associate in Applied Science in a health care related area, from a regionally accredited college or regionally accredited technical school. A minimum of 10 semester hours and up to a maximum of 21 semester hours of qualifying applied science credit will be accepted towards the completion of the degree. Students will be permitted to transfer in a limited number of additional credits from other community college-level courses work.**
- Student must complete a health care-related military training program that is the equivalent of (A) above. A minimum of 10 semester hours and up to a maximum of 21 semester hours of qualifying health science credit, as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE), and been awarded the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS for Army, Air Force Specialty Code [AFSC] for Air Force, Naval Enlisted Code [NEC] for Navy) may be accepted towards the completion of the degree.
**The Associate of Science in Health Science was added per UCC approval on October 16, 2020 for the 2020 catalog.
B.H.S. General Education (GCC) requirements
Humanities/Fine Arts: Subtotal 15 - 24 hours.
Required Humanities/Fine Arts courses (12 – 18 hours):
ENGL 100 may be waived for students with an SAT verbal score of 450 (or ACT-English score of 19) or higher. Successful completion of ENGL 100 requirement is the prerequisite for ENGL 101 . ENGL 101 may be waived for students with 1) an SAT verbal score of at least 700 or an ACT composite score of at least 32 and 2) a GPA of at least a “B” in their high school English courses. Successful completion of the ENGL 101 requirement is the prerequisite for ENGL 102 . Students must take a total of 12 credit hours from the Humanities/Fine Arts and Social/Behavioral Sciences elective lists. At least 1 course must be selected from the Humanities/Fine Arts elective list and at least 1 course must be selected from the Social/Behavioral Sciences elective list. Humanities/Fine Arts elective list (3 - 9 hours):
- CHRS 202 - Old Testament Survey (3)
- CHRS 212 - New Testament Survey (3)
- CHRS 224 - Christian Ethics (3)
- CHRS 236 - Introduction to Church History (3)
- CHRS 251 - World Religions (3)
- CHRS 322 - Basic Christian Beliefs (3) or higher
- PHIL 121 - Introduction to Philosophy (3)
- ENGL 201 - British Literature I (3)
- ENGL 202 - British Literature II (3)
- ENGL 203 - American Literature I (3)
- ENGL 204 - American Literature II (3)
- ENGL 205 - World Literature I (3)
or - ENGL 206 - World Literature II (3)
- HIST 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, or 4xx
- Foreign Language 101, 102, 201, 202 (FREN, SPAN, GERM, GREE, LATN, or PORT)
- Foreign Language 221, 222, 241, or 242
- THEA 115 - Public Speaking (3)
Social/Behavioral Sciences: Subtotal 3 - 9 hours.
Students must take a total of 12 credit hours from the Humanities/Fine Arts and Social/Behavioral Sciences elective lists. At least 1 course must be selected from the Humanities/Fine Arts elective list and at least 1 course must be selected from the Social/Behavioral Sciences elective list. Social/Behavioral Sciences elective list (3 - 9 hours):
Natural Sciences /Mathematics: Subtotal 12 hours.
Laboratory Science: (8 hours)
Total General College Curriculum Hours: B.H.S. 36 - 42 hours
Summary of Requirements for a Bachelor of Health Science:
In addition to the B.H.S. General Education requirements (GCC), students who wish to acquire a Bachelor of Health Science degree, must take CHEM 227 , BIOL 111 , BIOL 285 , BIOL 286 ; and an additional 12 hours of upper-level BIOL courses (two courses must have labs). Students must complete additional elective hours to total a minimum of 124 semester hours for the B.H.S. degree. Of the remaining hours, 12 semester hours must be upper level (300-400) courses from any of these subjects: accounting, business, criminal justice, economics, foreign language, history, information technology and security, literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, science, or sociology. A minimum of 12 semester hours of upper level course (300-400) must be taken in residence at Campbell. Students should check the admissions requirements for the graduate programs for which they intend to apply. This will aid in course selection for the remaining electives. Any student who is originally evaluated for a Bachelor of Health Science degree and later changes to another degree plan will have his/her transfer credits re-evaluated. In this case, the student may lose the majority of technical credit |
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