Sep 27, 2024  
2018 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin 
2018 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Theatre Arts

  • THEA 370 - Advanced Design


    A course designed to offer the student advanced training in scenic, lighting, and costume design with a variety of projects entailing advanced design problems. Prerequisite(s): (THEA 221  and THEA 321 , THEA 323 , or THEA 328 ).
  • THEA 393 - Career Development


    An intense introduction to the world of professional theatre; discussion of opportunities and preparation for employment, including marketing and interviewing.
  • THEA 421 - Design Project


    An advanced course designed to offer the student, during the senior year, an opportunity to realize a design project for a one-act or main stage production under the supervision of the design faculty. (By permission).
  • THEA 422 - Technical Direction Project


    An advanced course designed to offer the student, during the senior year, an opportunity to realize a technical direction project for a one-act or main stage production under the supervision of the faculty technical director. (By permission).
  • THEA 423 - Stage Management Project


    An advanced course designed to offer the student, during the senior year, an opportunity to realize a stage management project for a one-act or main stage production under the supervision of a faculty member. (By permission).
  • THEA 431 - Theatre History/Research Project


    An advanced research project conducted in the senior year, under the supervision of the directing faculty. (By permission).
  • THEA 440 - Audition


    A study of various audition techniques for actors. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): (Must take concurrently with THEA 393 ).
  • THEA 441 - Acting Project


    An advanced acting project in a major role in a one-act play or main stage production, performed in the senior year, under the supervision of the acting faculty. (By permission).
  • THEA 442 - Directing Project


    A play directed in the senior year under the supervision of the directing faculty. (By permission).
  • THEA 443 - Creative Dramatics


    The study of the use of drama, improvisation and play as a stimulant for learning and development of creative imagination in children and adults.
  • THEA 444 - Drama & Christian Ministry Project


    An advanced project involving a Drama & Christian Ministry production. Conducted in the senior year under the supervision of the directing faculty. (By permission).
  • THEA 445 - Musical Theatre Project


    An advanced acting project in a major role in a musical production, performed in the senior year, under the supervision of the directing faculty. (By permission).
  • THEA 460 - Special Topics


    This is a course offered when special circumstances require examination of subject matter not typically included in the academic program. Topics and projects vary.
  • THEA 461 - Internship


    This is a course usually taken during a student’s third or fourth year. The student will be responsible for finding an appropriate theatre organization. Prerequisite(s): must be a Theatre Arts or Drama & Christian Ministry major and have permission of the department.
  • THEA 470 - Design Portfolio


    A course offering the design student the opportunity to assemble the products of their technical theatre courses into a portfolio necessary for interviews for graduate school and employment. Additional interview training will be offered. (By permission).
  • THEA 482 - Advanced Summer Theatre Production


    This course offers advanced hands-on work and supervisory positions on a summer theatre production. Includes acting, stage management, and technical crew position work.

Trust Management

  • TRST 330 - Wills, Estates, and Trusts


    A course designed to introduce students to the subject of property and interests therein, the distribution of property by intestacy or by will, trusts as dispositive devices, and the planning and administration of property in estates and trusts.
  • TRST 360 - Financial Planning Practices for Fiduciaries


    An overview of the practice of financial planning and financial situation analyses is covered. The course includes a study of the financial services industry; ethical standards and regulations for financial planners; the economic environment of financial planning; financial and accounting fundamental for financial planners; an integrative analysis of risk management, investment management, tax planning, retirement planning, and simple estate planning. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 216  and ECON 201 .
  • TRST 400 - Fiduciary Law


    A study of the origin and nature of trusts, methods of creating a trust, necessity of trust property, capacity to be a trustee, definiteness of beneficiaries and the transfer of their interests. Prerequisite(s): TRST 330 .
  • TRST 410 - Estate Taxation


    A study of the basic principles of federal estate tax law and basic techniques to minimize the impact of the tax on the decedent’s estate. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 333 .
  • TRST 411 - Gift and Fiduciary Taxation


    A study of the basic principles of federal gift tax law, generation-skipping tax law, and fiduciary income tax law. Emphasis will be given as to how to minimize the impact of gift, generation-skipping, and fiduciary income taxation. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 333  and TRST 410 .
  • TRST 415 - Operational Functions of a Trust Department


    A study of organization staffing, policies, control procedures, and administration of a trust department. Provides the student with a foundation for understanding the role of effective management in achieving adequate profitableness in a trust department. Emphasis is placed on the application of Regulation 9 of the Comptroller of the Currency and techniques for the development of new trust business, including prospecting techniques, sales talks, establishment of new business goals, and maintenance of records. Prerequisite(s): TRST 330  and TRST 400 .
  • TRST 420 - Fiduciary Law


    A study of the administration of trusts, the duties and powers of the trustee, the liabilities of the trustee, and remedies of the beneficiary of third persons, the investment of trust funds, allocation and apportionment of receipts and expenses between principal and income, and the termination or modification of a trust. Prerequisite(s): TRST 400 .
  • TRST 432 - Estate Planning Seminar


    A study of the principles of intestate law, taxes, and techniques of planning the disposition of property by will and trust. Fields covered include wills, inter vivos trusts, insurance trusts, pension and profit-sharing trusts, and business buy-sell agreements. Semester case problem requires analysis and development of a plan and presentation to live participants. Considerable emphasis is placed on new business development and post mortem planning. Prerequisite(s): TRST 420  and TRST 411 , or approval of instructor.
  • TRST 434 - Trust and Estate Administration


    An examination of the administration and distribution of property in estates and trusts. The course will enable the student to understand and apply the state and federal statutes that govern such administration, including the Uniform Trust Code and the Uniform Probate Code. Particular attention will be paid to the understanding and implementation of trust documents and wills. The course will be highly practice oriented. A senior level course for trust and trust pre-law majors. Prerequisite(s): TRST 420 .
  • TRST 436 - Employee Benefits


    This course is designed to introduce the student to the various types of employee benefits that are provided employees by or through employers including corporations, sole proprietorships, and the self-employed. The course examines social security benefits and focuses on the basic concepts used in the establishment, administration, investment, and distribution of various Defined Benefit and Defined Contributions Plans. The student is exposed to the regulations and practices governed by ERISA and takes part in the review and development of a prototype plan. Several active employee benefit account managers are guests during the semester to provide the students a realistic application of the course of study. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 333 , TRST 411 .
  • TRST 439 - Investments and Security Analysis


    A study of investments in securities of all types including stocks, bonds, mutual funds and derivatives. The course will study, among other things, types and measures of investment risk, bond and stock valuation concepts, asset pricing models and hedging and option strategies. The course will be designed for implementation of strategies within a financial institution, consistent with such institution’s policies and procedures. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.
  • TRST 440 - Investments and Portfolio Management


    A study of the creation and management of investment portfolios. The course will study portfolio valuation and measurement concepts, asset allocation and diversification, and investment strategies in tax-advantaged accounts. The course will also examine such investment strategies in tax-advantaged accounts. The course will also examine such investments theories as the efficient market theory, the capital asset pricing model, and modern portfolio theory. The course will be highly practice oriented. The course will be designed for implementation of strategies within a financial institution, consistent with such institution’s policies and procedures. Prerequisite(s): TRST 439  
  • TRST 470 - Trust Sales and Marketing


    A practical investigation of sales process and the marketing process from the trust banker’s perspective. Topics include the evolution of the market for trust services, market opportunity assessment, market segmentation, development of marketing strategies, pricing of services, and personal selling. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in the Trust and Wealth Management Program.
  • TRST 490 - Trust Internship


    A trust or financial planning-related employment experience with an approved organization. Related term paper required. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing (at least), declared major in Trust Management, overall grade point average of 2.0 or greater, and completion of an independent study contract.

Biomedical Humanities

  • BHUM 200 - Foundations of Biomedical Humanities


    An introduction to biomedical humanities with special attention to interdisciplinary analysis of medical and health issues. Prerequisite(s): None.
  • BHUM 250 - Approaches to Biomedical Ethics


    Introduction to the field of biomedical ethics (bioethics) with a focus on case studies and the application of moral, religious, legal, and economic theories to complex biomedical questions. Prerequisite(s): None.
  • BHUM 300 - Science and Faith


    Survey of the mutually beneficial connections, challenges, and conflicts that exist between science and faith. Topics include human nature and neuroscience, creation and evolution, and divine action. Prerequisite(s): CHRS 125  BIOL 111  
  • BHUM 400 - Capstone Course, Biomedical Humanities


    This course provides students with the opportunity to conduct field experiences and a worthy research project under the direction of an experienced researcher in the field. Course prepares students for graduate and professional level research. Students work in small groups and individually in experiential learning settings to develop and conduct a presentation of research. Prerequisite(s): BHUM 200  BHUM 250  BHUM 300  

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